What is Sejahtera
SEJAHTERA refers to the sustainable lifestyle, implementing the ongoing programme, adapting values in life as well as changing people attitudes and behaviours.
SEJAHTERA is the journey of the community’s well-being in collaboration with all parties to achieve a sustainable lifestyle's community.
5 Elements of Sejahtera
Without the spirit and also the engagement of volunteerism, it would be hard for any NGO to convey their ultimate purpose. Involvement of volunteers from all walks of life regardless of age, race and religion.
The whole community needs to have a sense of co-operation because, without unity, the sustainable agenda cannot be implemented. Only with cooperation, we can move forward in the right direction. From the team's building to delivering sustainable mission in right paths.
Community Empowerment
Focusing positively in building community awareness of environmental care and a detailed planning plan.
Knowledge Sharing
Through campaigns, seminars and workshops, it can provide in-depth insights through implementing a holistic programme.
Community involvement should be recognized and upheld, thus, this will serve as the benchmark of for future reference and guidance.
SDG Tracker
Measuring progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals
SDG Tracker presents data across all available indicators from the Our World in Data database, using official statistics from the UN and other international organizations. It is a free, open-access publication that tracks global progress towards the SDGs and allows people around the world to hold their governments accountable for achieving the agreed goals.
Kalendar Aktiviti Sahabat Komuniti Sejahtera 2021
Program Bantuan Makanan Sejahtera Malaysia
Program bantuan makanan bermula secara kecil-kecilan di Lembah Klang kini akan dikembangkan ke seluruh Negara bermula bulan Jun 2021 sehingga tamat tempoh Program Kawalan Pergerakan. Program bantuan ini dikhususkan untuk membantu golongan yang terkesan disebabkan Wabak Pandemik COVID-19 ini disebabkan kehilangan pekerjaan dan sumber rezeki harian.
Sebarang pertanyaan mengenai program bantuan makanan ini boleh emailkan ke [email protected] atau Whatsapp En. Qaiyum (014-2345807)